Edward Searl

Ed Searl is a Unitarian minister, from 1983 through 2010 in Hinsdale, Illinois. He is Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale.

He advocates Natural Religion, true to Nature and Human Nature.

His In Memoriam: Modern Funeral and Memorial Services, 2nd edition, in print since 1993, is a standard reference for fashioning contemporary celebrations of life.

He has also compiled five collections‒treasuries of poetry and prose‒for Skinner House Books. Four of these books deal with the great rites of passage of a typical human life, a fifth, In Praise of Animals, coincides with a contemporary interest in multi-species relationships.


Link to Ed Searl’s Authors Guild website to see his seven published books, including six by Skinner House, an imprint of the Unitarian Universalist Association.


Ed Searl publishes his independent books under his private imprint The Royal Nonesuch Press.


edsearl.blogspot.com Religion and the American Experience

searlsermons.blogspot.com Ed Searl's Sermon Cache