A Guide to Modern Funeral and Memorial Services
IN MEMORIAM is one of the most valuable resources available for fashioning a contemporary funeral or memorial service. This book reflects the seasoned insights of the author, who has been a Unitarian parish minister for more than thirty-five years.
Fifteen diverse services address the many and sometimes conflicted emotions that death brings. They are complete and ready to use as is or as a guide to which other elements may be added. The services are beautifully designed and meaningful. Well-chosen, memorable words make the text accessible and inspirational.
In addition to the services, there is much handy information about the practical aspects of funeral or memorial services: how Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant customs differ; what needs to be done immediately when a death occurs; how to fashion a eulogy; the significance of an after-service reception with food; and ways to memorialize one who has died. It includes a cogent form for recording your memorialization wishes along with other important information for your survivors.
This second edition 2000 (replacing the original 1992 edition) adds a sensitive service for the loss of a fetus or death of an infant. The new edition also has service supplements for the circumstances of suicide and cremation.
Sample Service: A Meditation of Candles -- link to